I can help your team to create the game AI for your game.
I work with your designers to identify your needs and to create an AI tech roadmap for your project.
I work with your AI team and designers to create the AI for your game with the technologies you already have available.
I create new technologies and tools specific to your AI needs.
I work with your development team to identify and solve problems with your existing AI.
I teach your developers how to better use the technology and tools that they already have.
I support your developers over a longer period, meeting with them regularly to discuss issues as they arise.
Lead AI Programmer
Lead AI Programmer
AI Programmer
AI Researcher and Educator
Fighting Sequelitis: Creating Combat NPCs for 'Tom Clancy's The Division 2'
Blending Autonomy and Control: Creating NPCs for 'Tom Clancy's The Division'
Believable Tactics for Squad AI
If you'd like to learn more about what I can offer your team, reach out to me via my profile on LinkedIn.